Jacobinte Swargarajyam Malayalam Movie Review

Overview of Jacobinte Swargarajyam
Cine Shore Rating:
Good watch, especially for the families.
PLOT – Jacobinte Swargarajyam Malayalam Movie Review
Jacob [Ranji Paniker] is a Malayali businessman settled in Dubai and is professionally and personally a rich man according him. Like any story, crisis hits them and his elder son, Jerry [Nivin] sets out to place everything right.
PERFORMANCE – Jacobinte Swargarajyam Malayalam Movie Review
Nivin is impressive in both casual and emotional scenes and this movie is one more feather in his cap as an actor. His dialogue delivery also looks improved, especially in serious scenes. Ranji Paniker us another asset to the movie with a sparkling presence and ever confidence appearance. Shruthi as a mother is another plus and others like Bhasi, Amy, Ashwin, Sai Kumar does their job fine.
STORY – SCREENPLAY – DIRECTION – Jacobinte Swargarajyam Malayalam Movie Review
Story Wise, the film is an old wine presented well. Everything from starts to end remains predictable and is a sort of cliche. But Vineets ever dependable technical side makes sure that they did a good job with the additional strength from the dialogues. Direction is neat.
TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT – Jacobinte Swargarajyam Malayalam Movie Review
Shaan, Joemon etc. has filled the technical gap which is usual for any Vineet film and JSR is no exception. The visuals are rich and the music adds up.
ANALYSIS – Jacobinte Swargarajyam Malayalam Movie Review
The film is something which we have seen earlier like in the trailer but presented well with rich technical side and feel good moments. These are the huge plus in every Vineet Sreenivasan movies and he continues the goodwill with Jacobinte Swargarajyam. A film which is rich on values and relationships, thus making up for a good watch, especially for the families.