Happy Journey

Cine Shore Rating:
A Journey, Good in parts.
Aaron (Jayasurya) is passionate about cricket from his childhood. But fate takes his eyes in an accident, and he becomes blind. Still not losing his hope and passion, he walks into the cricket world once again teaming up with other challenged people like him. What he faces in his life further forms the story.
Jayasurya is one actor who thinks different and tries to bring some freshness in his characters. Here, he is brilliant as a blind person who is passionate about cricket. He has done a lot of homework for the character, and that can be seen in the movie. From the body language to minute things of a physically challenged person he makes it picture perfect. Lal is good in the role of a mentor to the challenged team. Balu and other sidekicks provide some lighter moments. Aparna Gopinath, Lena etc are adequate. It was nice to see some popular actors taking those roles of blind people and doing it with commitment.
Story of the movie is quiet impressive, and there is a novelty in it. But the kind of tight screenplay is missing, which should be there to provide the needed impact to a strong plot like this. Thus there are many loopholes leading to several lags especially in the second half. First half is decent with some nice humors and a feel good narrative. But things get messed up in the second half were the screenplay went faltered, leading to a predictable climax. The writer, Arun tries to infuse some politics in the cricket, but sadly the impact is missing. Boban Samuel, who is known for light hearted presentation’s took a serious project this time and he does it with true commitment. Direction wise, its his best till date but couldn’t cover up the loopholes in the script. Few dialogues are praiseworthy.
Songs and background musics are okay and syncs with the narration. Editing is okay but the drags in the second half could have been controlled. Length of the movie is a plus without going too long. Cinematography is good.
First half of the movie is good with nice humors and feel good narration. Second half goes, off- the track but doesn’t become bad and the climax looked rushed up. On the positive side there are some good performances and a novel plot. But the average second half and drags limits the impact.